Sunday, January 26, 2020
Looking At The Personality Theory
Looking At The Personality Theory A person is a flow of powerful subjective life, conscious and unconscious; a whispering gallery in which voices echo from the distant past; a gulf stream of fantasies with floating memories of past events, currents of contending complexes, plots and counterplots, hopeful intimations and idealsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦A personality is a full Congress of orators and pressure groups, of children, demagogues, communists, isolationists, war-mongers, mugwumps, grafters, log rollers, lobbyists, Caesars and Christs, Machiavellis and Judases, Tories and Promethean revolutionists. (Murray, What Should Psychologists 160-61) The term personality is used by psychologists to denote a consistent pattern of responses to the world that the environment imposes upon the individual internally and externally (Kassarjian and Robertson 194). All the physical, mental and emotional characteristics of an individual as an integrated whole, especially as they are presented to others, form what we commonly term as personality. According to Robert B. Ewen, personality refers to important and relatively stable aspects of behaviour.(4) During the past one hundred years extensive research has been done by the various psychologists in this field. This research has given birth to what we now call Personality psychology. Personality psychology is a branch of psychology which studies human personality deeply using psychological theories. The scientific study of personality can be traced back to the year 1937, when Gordon Allport published his book Personality: A Psychological Interpretation. Personality analysis, like art, is subjective in nature. There is no single best recognised definition or theory of personality yet and different psychologists have different definitions and theories regarding personality. Psychologists themselves cannot arrive at a unifying definition of personality, due in part to its subjective nature. (Schultz 2) According to Sam Smiley, It is the form, or overall unity, of an individuals traits. It includes the complex of characteristics that distinguish one person from all others, and it admits the behavioural potentials of the individual which transcend all his attitudes and actions. . . . Personality is the totality of a human beings physiological and psychological traits, and therefore it is the epitome of whatever differentiates one human from every other human. (82-83) Robert B. Ewen gives one of the most comprehensive definitions of personality. He says, Personality deals with a wide range of human behaviour. To most theorists, personality includes virtually everything about a person-mental, emotional, social, and physical. Some aspects of personality are unobservable, such as thoughts, memories, and dreams, whereas others are observable, such as overt actions. Personality also includes aspects that are concealed from yourself, or unconscious, as well as those that are conscious and well within your awareness. (4) Some other significant definitions by noted psychologists are: Cattell offers the opinion that, Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. . . . Personality is . . . concerned with all the behaviour of the individual, both overt and under the skin. (Liebert and Spiegler 3-4) Personality refers to the collection of attitudes and knowledge that a person possesses, that is, mainly those personal items that direct behaviour. In this context, personality is synonymous with mind. (McNeal 52) While defining personality it is only appropriate to remember that the word personality is derived from the Latin word persona which means a mask. One very important observation that has been made in this regard is: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦in early Latin, persona means a mask dramatis personae are the masks which actors wear in a play, that is, the characters that are represented. Etymologically and historically, then, the personality is the character that is manifested in public. In modern psychology and sociology this corresponds rather closely to the role behaviour of a differentiated person. From one point of view, this constitutes a disguise. Just as the outer body shields the viscera from view, and clothing the genitals, so the public personality shields the private personality from the curious and censorious world. It also operates to conceal underlying motivations from the individuals own consciousness. (Murray and Kluckhohn 40) The study of personality is a broad area and includes various theoretical constructs, conceptual approaches and research methodologies. The major theories include psychodynamic perspective, humanistic perspective, trait perspective, behaviourist perspective and cognitive perspective. The major personality theorists include Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, Harry Stack Sullivan, Erik Erikson, Carl R. Rogers, Abraham H. Maslow, Rollo May, Gordon W. Allport, Raymond B. Cattell, Henry A. Murray, B. F. Skinner, George A. Kelly and Albert Bandura. The present study deals with Gordon W. Allports and Henry A. Murrays theories of personality. The main aim is to study and analyse Michael Jacksons personality with the application of Allports and Murrays personality theories. The thesis focuses on Michael Jackson as an individual and how his character and personality are similar in several aspects to the character and personality of the picaro the antihero of picaresque novels. It is essential to study in detail the theories of both the psychologists in order to successfully use them as a tool to analyse the personalities of Michael Jackson and the picaro. Gordon Willard Allport (1897 1967) was a premier American psychologist who is often called the father of Personality theory. He is considered to be the founder of personality psychology as he was one of the first psychologists to have focused extensively on the study of personality. He was the first psychologist who gave thorough thought to the concept of traits in a person. He developed a theory called the trait theory and opined that the trait was the most appropriate way of describing and studying personality. Allport approached psychology and the issue of personality in a unique way. Allport revolutionized the world of psychology by moving the study of the personality into the mainstream of psychology. His theories are still debated, and he is considered one of the most controversial psychologists of our time. (Hall and Lindzey 260) Allports opinions differed from other psychologists. He believed in studying healthy and mature individuals. He felt the study of animals and neurotic people could not lead to conclusions pertinent to normally functioning adults. (Becoming 18) Secondly, Allport viewed every human being as unique. Therefore, he believed in studying an individual personality as opposed to studying people in common. He criticized scientists for their avoidance of the individual and their prevalent theory that individuality can only be studied by history, art or biography and not by science. He believed that nomothetic methods (general and universal) should be discouraged and idiographic methods (individual) must be encouraged. If we accept this dogma concerning the scope and limitations of science we shall have to abandon the person as a person. But we are not yet discouraged. That the individual is a system of patterned uniqueness is a fact. That science likes universals and not particulars is also a fact. Yet personality itself is a universal phenomenon though it is found only in individual forms. Since it is a universal phenomenon science must study it; but it cannot study it correctly unless it looks into the individuality of patterning! Such is the dilemma. (Pattern and Growth 9) Allport stated that there is no correct or incorrect definition of personality, rather all definitions are full of pitfalls. (Pattern and Growth 28) He defined personality as a dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.(Personality 48) Because this definition reflects some unique phrasing and word choices, Allports own explanations of terminology and phrasing are presented. Dynamic Organization The personality is constantly changing, and any definition of personality must acknowledge this change. However, this change does not occur in the normal adult in a haphazard fashion; rather, it occurs within the boundaries of an organization. (Allport, Personality 48) This change occurs in a self -regulating and motivating fashion. This definition of organized change implies the existence of a reciprocal process of disorganization, especially in those personalities marked by progressive disintegration. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 28) Psychophysical This term serves as a reminder that personality is neither exclusively physical nor mental. Instead, the organization of the personality fuses the physical and mental in some inextricable unity. (Allport, Personality 48) Systems A system is a complex of elements in mutual interaction. The personality is composed of many systems. A habit, sentiment, trait, concept, or style of behaving are all systems and are latent in the personality even when they are not active. Systems are our potential for activity. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 28-29) Determine Personality is something, and it does something. Personality is active. Allport contended that the latent psychophysical systems, when called into action, either motivate or direct a specific activity or thought. (Pattern and Growth 29) Personality is not synonymous with behaviour or activity; personality is merely the impression that this activity makes on others. It is what lies behind specific acts and within the individual. (Allport, Personality 48) All systems that comprise a single personality are the determining tendencies. They exert a direct influence on the adjusting and expressive acts which make up the personality. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 29) Characteristic All behaviour and thought are characteristic of the person and are unique to that person. Allport acknowledged the use of this term, and the need to define it, appeared redundant in a definition whose very meaning stressed individuality and uniqueness. He used it, though, to drive the point home. (Pattern and Growth 29) Behaviour and Thought Allport used these two terms to cover anything whatsoever an individual might do. A persons main activity, according to Allport, is to adjust to the environment, but he felt it unwise to define personality only in terms of adjustment. He acknowledged the individual also reflects on the environment, strives to master it, and sometimes succeeds in this mastery of the environment. Thought as well as behaviour, then, make for both survival and growth. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 29) The following diagram depicts a comprehensive view of personality. Allport summarized his own definition of personality: My own definition of personality is essentialist. Personality is what a person really is, regardless of the way other people perceive his qualities or the methods by which we study them. Our perceptions and our methods may be in error, just as an astronomer may fall short in studying the constitution of a star. But the star is still there, a challenging object for study. My definition does not, of course, deny that a person is variable over time or that his behaviour may change from situation to situation. It says simply that the person has an internal structure and range of characteristics (variable, to be sure, but ascertainable), and it is this structure that we hope to study. (Pattern and Growth 35) The discussion in detail of Allports definition of personality and his approach towards both, personality and psychology, leads us to his theory of traits. According to Allport a trait is: a generalized and focalized neuropsychic system (peculiar to the individual), with the capacity to render many stimuli functionally equivalent, and to initiate and guide consistent (equivalent) forms of adaptive and expressive behaviour. (Personality 295) He believed that a trait exists within a person and is there even when a person is alone and away from the observation of others. Secondly, he believed that traits define behaviour and make it consistent. Traits, we must note from the outset, are not per se observables. Nor are they real entities. You will never be able to place them under a microscope. They are descriptive schemas that are the product of human reason and imagination. They serve a heuristic purpose, as do all other constructs about the world in which we live: namely, they give a conceptual order to our world and make it more comprehensible than it would be without them. That Allport ([1937] 1961), for example, stipulates that traits or personality for that matter have neuropsychic referents does not turn them into things (reify them so to speak). (Dumont 149) Allport clearly distinguished traits form types. Unlike traits types always have a biosocial reference. A man can be said to have a trait; but he cannot be said to have a type. Rather he fits a type.types exist not in people or in nature, but rather in the eye of the observer. Type includes more than is in the individual. Traits, on the contrary, are considered wholly within the compass of the individual. The crux of the distinction is that in a type the reference point is always some attribute, or cluster of corresponding attributes abstracted from various personalities. (Personality 295-296) Yet Allport was aware of the limitations involved in the study of traits: generalities of names; variability of emotions; the ability to observe only the act, which is the result of the trait rather than the trait itself. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 333-334) Even with the limitations involved in trait research, Allport believed them to be one of the strongest means for personality study. He did not blindly study personality traits, but tried to take into account all of the variables, for example: No trait theory can be sound unless it allows for, and accounts for, the variability of a persons conduct. Pressures from the surrounding environment, the companions he is with, and the counter current in the person himself may delay, augment, distort, or inhibit completely the conduct that we would normally expect to issue from a persons traits. . . . All this is true; yet in a persons stream of activity there is, besides a variable portion, likewise a constant portion; and it is this constant portion we seek to designate with the concept of trait. (Pattern and Growth 333) Allport draws a distinction between common traits and individual traits. A common trait identifies a trait which to some extent is reflected in many personalities. An individual trait, however, or personal disposition (as Allport came to call them), is peculiar to the individual. He points out that all traits are unique and no one trait can be found in more than one person. But at the same time for the science of personality and psychology to function properly it is important to compare individuals. Allport states that for all their ultimate differences, normal persons within a given culture-area tend to develop a limited number of roughly comparable modes of adjustment. The original endowment of most human beings, their stages of growth, and the demands of their particular society, are sufficiently standard and comparable to lead to some basic modes of adjustment that from individual to individual are approximately the same.(Pattern and Growth 298) Common traits are developed, according to Allport, because the human nature develops similar modes of adjusting to a similar environment, though varying degrees of individualism still exist (Pattern and Growth 349). Allport felt common traits were less important to the individual personality because they actually reflect the social mores developed through socialization, rather than personal choices. Therefore, common traits are constantly changing according to the growth, development, and fads of a particular society. Allport felt the very nature of the common trait made it less influential to the individual. Individual traits, on the other hand, have the capacity to initiate and guide consistent forms of adaptive and stylistic behaviour. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 373). However, Allport felt that for a complete and thorough study of personality both common and individual traits are essential: individual and common trait [concepts] are complementary in the study of personality. What is unique and what is universal both need to be explored. (Personality 299) Allport described traits by names. He identified approximately eighteen thousand words in the English language which named distinctive forms of personal behaviour. Though incomplete, Allport believed that, this list of words had an infinite scope. Allport categorized the 18,000 trait names: 30% have an evaluative flavour; 25% are comparative; 25% refer to temporary states of mind, mood, emotion, or activity, and 25% are metaphorical (Pattern and Growth 354-355). Allport was dissatisfied with the limitations of verbal tags. He recognized the weaknesses found in the subjective and limited nature of labelling: A trait of personality may or may not coincide with some well-defined, conventional social concept. . . It would be ideal if we could . . . find our traits first and then name them. But honesty, loyalty, neatness and tact, though encrusted with social significance, may likewise represent true traits of personality. The danger is that, in devising scales for their measurement, we may be bound by the conventional meanings and thus be led away from the precise integration as it exists in a given individual. Where possible, it would be well for us to find our traits first and then seek devaluated terms with which to characterize our discoveries. (Becoming 135) Allport understood that no single act is the product of only one trait, and a trait is only one factor in determining an act. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 334 and 360) This recognition of the complexity of the human nature led Allport to the conclusion that it is ridiculous to try to reduce human nature to a single element simply for the sake of explanation: We view personality in the only way it can be intelligibly viewedas a network of organization, composed of systems within systems, some systems of small magnitude and somewhat peripheral to the central or propriate structure, other systems of wider scope at the core of the total edifice; some easy to set into action, others more dormant; some so culturally conforming that they can readily be viewed as common; others definitely idiosyncratic. But in the last analysis this network-complying billions and billions of nerve cells, fashioned by a one-time heredity and by environmental experiences never duplicated-is ultimately unique. (Pattern and Growth 360) Although there is a certain degree of consistency found within the personality, the personality is not completely predictable. The inconsistency of dispositions could be due to a specific situation, or to the actual existence of opposite dispositions within an individual (Allport, Becoming 135). Allport felt that contradictory behaviour is often not contradictory at all, but a contrasting stylistic demonstration of the same personal disposition. What must be identified is the deepest disposition that is operating within an individual: Take the case of Dr. D., always neat about his person and desk, punctilious about lecture notes, outlines, and files; his personal possessions are not only in order but carefully kept under lock and key. Dr. D is also in charge of the departmental library. In this duty he is careless; he leaves the library door unlocked, and books are lost; it does not bother him that dust accumulates. Does this contradiction in behaviour mean that D lacks personal dispositions? Not at all. He has two opposed stylistic dispositions, one of orderliness and one of disorderliness. Different situations arouse different dispositions. Pursuing the case further, the duality is at least partly explained by the fact that D has one cardinal (motivational) disposition from which these contrasting styles proceed. The outstanding fact about his personality is that he is a self -centred egotist who never acts for other peoples interests, but always for his own. This cardinal self -centeredness (for which there is abundant evidence) demands orderliness for himself, but not for others. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 363) A particular trait can be identified and determined in a particular person only if the behaviour it characterises occurs repeatedly in by and large similar situations. According to Allport: A specific act is always the product of many determinants, not only of lasting sets, but of momentary pressures in the person and in the situation. It is only the repeated occurrence of acts having the same significance (equivalence of response) following upon a definable range of stimuli having the same personal significance (equivalence of stimuli) that makes necessary the inference of traits and personal dispositions. (Pattern and Growth 374) Allport put forward his classic doctrine of traits: A trait has more than nominal existence. A trait is more than a generalized habit. A trait is dynamic, or at least determinative. The existence of a trait may be established empirically or at least statistically. Traits are only relatively independent of each other. A trait of personality, psychologically considered, is not the same as a moral quality. Acts, and even habits, that are inconsistent with a trait are not proof of the nonexistence of the trait. A trait may be viewed either in the light of the personality which contains it, or in the light of its distribution in the population at large. (What is a Trait 368) Allport reasoned that some traits have more influence on an individual than other traits. He categorized these traits into three levels: Cardinal traits, Central traits and Secondary traits. Cardinal Traits A cardinal trait is so pervasive and outstanding in any given individual that almost every act can be traced to its influence and almost every aspect of a persons life is touched by it. A person is so dominated by the cardinal trait that it can rarely be hidden from others. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 365) Such a trait is so dominant in a person that the person comes to be known for that trait. It becomes almost synonymous to his personality. Examples of cardinal traits can be: narcissist and Casanova. A cardinal trait is considered to be rare and tends to develop in an individual at a later stage in his life. A person does not necessarily have only one cardinal trait, and this trait may change as a person matures and changes. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 365) Central Traits A central trait is less dominant as compared to a cardinal trait. Central traits form the foundation of an individuals personality. Central traits are easily detected characteristics within a person, traits that all people have a certain number of, five to ten on an average according to Allport. (Schultz 201) Secondary Traits On a less conspicuous level of influence are secondary dispositions. These traits are less generalized and less consistent than central dispositions. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 365) They might reflect something only a best friend would know. (Schultz 201). Allport did not set down any particular number of dispositions an individual might possess. How many dispositions has a person is a most audacious question, and can be answered in only a preliminary and speculative way. For many reasons the question is audacious: Behaviour is in continuous flow; dispositions never express themselves singly; people manifest contradictory dispositions in contradictory situations; furthermore, diagnostic methods are too ill developed to enable us to discover the answer. (Pattern and Growth 366) Allports trait theory can be summed up through the following diagram. Habits and attitudes are often confused with traits because of their similarities. Allport clearly defined habits and attitudes to avoid all confusion. According to Allport, a habit can function as a trait, but a trait is not always a habit. Habits are inflexible and specific in response to specific stimuli; traits are more generalized and variable in expression. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 346) A number of habits may be blended together to develop a trait; however, habits do not integrate automatically into traits. They do so when the person has some general concept or self image which leads to the fusion of the habit into a trait. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 346) Allport cites the example of a child brushing his teeth. A young child may be regarded as forming a specific habit when he learns (with difficulty) to brush his teeth night and morning. For some years this habit may stand alone, aroused only by appropriate commands or by the appropriate environmental situation. With the passing of years, however, brushing teeth becomes not only automatic (as is the way of habits) but likewise firmly woven into a much wider system of habits, viz., a trait of personal cleanliness. . . . The adult is uncomfortable if he omits brushing the teeth from his daily schedule, not only because a single habit is frustrated, but because the omission violates a general demand for cleanliness. (Allport, Personality 292) Allport explained that a trait is a fusion of habit and endowment rather than a colligation or chain of habits alone. (Personality 293) The transformation of habit to trait is simply when the motivation shifts from simple conditioned responses to a sheer liking of the activity as motivation. Then trait has become autonomous. (Allport, Personality 293) Allport distinguishes between a trait and an attitude in two ways. First, an attitude always has an object of reference; whereas, a trait does not direct itself specifically toward something. Second, an attitude is usually favourable or unfavourable, for or against. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 347) It involves a judgement or evaluation (pro or con), which a trait does not. (Schultz 200) Motivation According to Allport, the pivot of the theory of personality is the analysis of the nature of motivation. He defined motivation as any internal condition in a person that induces action or thought. (Pattern and Growth 196) Allport also believed a theory of motivation should meet four requirements: contemporaneity, pluralistic, cognitive process, and concrete uniqueness. (Schultz 201) Contemporaneity A theory of motivation must acknowledge the contemporaneity of motives. (Pattern and Growth 220) In other words, the importance of the present should be stressed: Motives leading to activity, it may be argued, are always operative at the time the activity takes place. Allport added, That which drives, drives now. (The Use of Personal 80) Allport was aware, however, that in complex adult motives the past is, to some degree, alive in the present. He considered it, however, the task of the psychologist to discover how much of the past is fire and how much of it is ashes. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 219) To think that the motives of mankind are essentially unchanged from birth until death seemed to Allport inadequate at best. (Pattern and Growth 203) That which once motivated, does not necessarily motivate always. It is important to realize the past is only important if it exists as a present or current motivating force, or is dynamically active in the present. (Allport, Pattern and Gro wth 220) More precisely stated, it is the unfinished structure that has this dynamic power. A finished structure is static; but a growing structure, tending toward a given direction of closure, has the capacity to subsidiate the guide conduct in conformity with its movement. (Allport, Becoming 91) Pluralistic Allport believed that a theory of motivation must have room for multiple motives. Motivation cannot be reduced to one general phase or drive. Some motives are transient, some recurring; some are momentary, others persistent; some unconscious, others conscious; some opportunistic, others propriate; some tension-reducing, others tension-maintaining. Motives are so diverse in type that we find it difficult to discover the common denominator. About all we can say is that a persons motives include all that he is trying (consciously or unconsciously, reflexly or deliberately) to do. (Pattern and Growth 221) Simplification does not explain motivation. Neither does reducing its strands to the simplified model of the machine, the animal, the child, or the pathological. (Pattern and Growth 222) A theory of motivation should allow that there may be some truth in each theory. (Pattern and Growth 221) Cognitive Process A theory of motivation must acknowledge the importance of the cognitive processes e.g. planning and intention. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 222) Allports requirement of cognitive process gives emphasis to the individuals conscious plans and intentions. These conscious intentions represent, above all else, the individuals primary mode of addressing the future. (Becoming 89) Thus, cognitive process stresses the importance of the future in the motivating process of the personality. Alport believed that all individuals possess the power of thought and it is this thought process which leads them to form decisions. Hence, an individuals intent should be central to understanding his personality. Allport defined intention as what an individual is trying to do, and he included several features of motivation derived from the concept of intention: The cognitive and emotive processes in personality become fused into an integral urge. The intention, like all motivation, exists in the present, but has strong future orientation. Use of the concept helps us to trace the course of motivation as lives are actually livedinto the future and not, as most theories do, backward into the past. It tells us what sort of future a person is trying to bring about and this is the most important question we can ask about any mortal. The term has a flavour of tension maintained and thus reflects the true condition of all long range motives. When we identify major intentions in a life we have a device for holding subsidiary trends in perspective. (Pattern and Growth 223). Allport believed the present should be explained more in terms of the future, not the past. It is more important to identify what a person intends to do and how they are presently acting out this intention, than to look toward the past of an individuals childhood or development. Unfortunately the concept of intention is not prominent in current psychology. The reason is that it connotes purpose, the efficacy of conscious planning, and a pull that mans image of the future exerts on his present conduct. . . . the more favoured physicalistic conception would say that he is pushed by his motives (not pulled by his intentions). Many psychologists would say that drives take entire care of what we here call intention. Yet drives as such are blind. They do not allow for organization and direction by cognitive attitudes, by foresight, by cortical control. (Allport, Pattern and Growth 224)
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Strength Development of Fly Ash Concrete
Upon this survey it is shown that the UPV and strength development, severally, with the age of the concrete havingdifferent fly ash. Both increase their strength with age. At the same age, both UPV and the strength of concrete with low per centum fly ash are higher than those with high per centum fly ashmainly because of the denser construction of concrete with lower fly ash, thisindicates that concrete with high fly ash at the age of 1 yearss has a UPV of approximately 89 % of that of 30 yearss, but the strength is merely approximately 60 % concrete becomes ill-defined when age and mixture proportion is taken into consideration at the same time. This observation suggests that it is be better to individually see the consequence of age and mixture proportion on UPV and strength relationship It was concluded that the relationship between the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity ( UPV ) and compressive strength of concrete every bit good as to understand the influence of the mixture proportion and the age of concrete on the relationship between UPV and compressive strength. Specific decisions are as follows: The UPV and strength growing rates of high and low per centum offly ash concrete have a important difference at an early age. As a consequence, to clearly specify the relationship between UPV and the strength of concrete with different mixture proportions, it is necessary to extinguish the intervention caused by the different UPV and strength growing rates of concrete at early ages. The equations obtained from the simulation curves can be used to find the mortar strengths of the howitzer mix proportions.1.1 Sorptivity TestBased on the ASTN C 1585-04 criterion sorptivity trial is concerned with measuring of the rate of soaking up of H2O by hydraulic- cement concrete. Therefore this trial is focused on measuring the lastingness and strength of fly ash howitzer relation to sorptivity. Research shows that in civil technology quality howitzer or concrete is associated with good compaction strength every bit good as reduced degrees of sorptivity obtained through efficient casting and harde ning. ( Ho et al. 1989 ; Ho & A ; Lewis, 1988 ) .With most building stuffs being porous, suction of wet and motion belongingss of such stuffs have been established to be the primary cause of many civil technology jobs such as corrosion, procedure of wetting and drying etc. this prompted research focussing on the undermentioned critical parametric quantities: capillary action potency, H2O diffusivity and hydraulic conduction. To accomplish the aim, sorptivity proving method that involves a uni-directional H2O soaking up from the samples was adopted. Based on this method, specimen cumulative sum of H2O absorbed is related to the square root of the clip consumed therefore set uping the following relationship ( Hall, 1981 ) ; I = S* T0.5 where S = sorptivity T0.5= clip taken ( elapsed ) Therefore sorptivity can be assessed and evaluated through capillary action measurings. This is achieved through finding the rate of stuff soaking up topic to its homogeneousness constituents. During the experimental procedure, both H2O and superplasticizer were utilized as trial fluids. Therefore, the casted regular hexahedron samples were so placed or immersed in H2O for a period of 30 yearss bring arounding after which the specimens ( sized 50 mm * 50 millimeter ) were dried in an oven for over 72 hours in temperatures of 85 à °C. The measure of H2O gripped by the samples ( specimens ) in a clip frame of 30 proceedingss was determined through the procedure of weighing the specimens utilizing a top pan balance weighing up to 0.1 milligram. The truth of the consequence obtained is ensured by pass overing off surface H2O on the specimen utilizing a dampened tissue and each deliberation operation for single specimen was done within 30 seconds. The consequence obtained is evaluated utilizing sorptivity relationship equation illustrated below ( Hall & A ; Tse, 1986 ) ; I = S* T0.5 Therefore S=i/ t? Where ; S= rate of sorptivity ( in millimetres ) t= clip taken ( in proceedingss ) I = ?w/Ad ?w = difference in weight obtained = Wi-Wd Wd = the dry weight of the oven prohibitionist ( in gms ) Wi = weight of the regular hexahedron submergence specimen after 30 proceedingss soaking up of H2O ( in gm ) . Figure 13: Sorptivity1.2 Water AbsorptionFigures ( 11, 12, and 13 ) identifies and presents the waterabsorption values for 1, 7, and 30 yearss for assorted mixtures. It is shown that when the fly ash is acquiring finer, the rate of H2O soaking up is lower. Furthermore, the higher the fly ash/ cement ratio, the no nothingnesss for the H2O to sip through to increase the weight of the regular hexahedrons ( Prinyaet al. , 2005 ) . Lower the rate of H2O soaking up. This is because when the volume of fly ash is increasing, it will make full the nothingnesss, increasing the denseness and hence be forestalling H2O soaking up ( Prinyaet al. , 2007 ) . Figure 14: Hardening age One twenty-four hours Figure 15: Curing age Seven yearss Figure 16: Curing age 30 yearss Due to there being a limited experimental probe refering the H2O soaking up andsorptivityof howitzer, the undermentioned observations are made sing the opposition of partly replaced Pozzocrete1:3 proportion howitzer.1.3 Variation of residuary compressive strength with UPVResidual compressive strength of specimens lessenings with addition in UPV. Variation of residuary compressive strength with UPV is shown in Figure 18 0 % specimen which recorded a residuary strength of 12.62 ( MPa ) corresponds to maximum UPV 2381 % ( m/s ) among the three series. In contrast, 45 % specimen with 3132 ( m/s ) UPV maximal residuary compressive strength of 34.02 ( MPa ) . A multinomial tendency line for the relationship curve with corresponding equation gave a value of arrested development coefficient ( R2 ) of 0.9091. Table 4: Relationship between compressive strength and UPV Figure 18: Compaction Strength with UPV1.4 Residual compressive strength with H2O soaking upA Digital compaction proving machine was employed to find the compressive strength of the specimen at regular intervals. The inside informations of howitzer specimens are given in Table 4 ( below ) Table 5: Water soaking up, compressive strength Increase in H2O soaking up with residuary compressive strength of specimenââ¬â¢s lessenings. Variation of residuary compressive strength with H2O soaking up is show in Figure 19 ( below ) 0 % specimen which recorded a residuary strength of 34.02 corresponds to minimal H2O soaking up 6.30 % among the three series. In contrast, 45 % specimen with 13.57 % H2O soaking up retained minimal residuary compressive strength of 10.47 % . A multinomial tendency line for the relationship curve with corresponding equation gave a value of arrested development coefficient ( R2 ) of 0.9999. Figure 19: Relationship between compressive strength and H2O soaking up.1.5 Materials1.5.1 SuperplasticizerIn concrete mixtures superplasticizer sums with high C fly ash add-on in the sum of 15, 30, and 45 % by weight of the cement content, it is possible to cut down the sum of H2O by 50 % , while utilizing mixtures superplasticizer. The find and innovation of concrete alloies has witnessed enormous development in the building industry. In civil technology, alloies are used to better the belongingss and quality of building concrete in assorted ways ( Ramachandran, 2001 ) . This usually occurs during the blending procedure therefore impacting the building howitzer in the undermentioned positive ways ;Promoting workability of concreteBettering strength and lastingness of the howitzerEnhance opposition against jobs such as corrosion, freezing and thaw actionIncrease H2O proofing characteristic in the concreteSuperplasticizer is an ingredient alloy used in concrete for assorted intents. The ingredient can be defined as the stuff advancing high degree of cut downing H2O in the concrete ( Csetenyi, Dhir & A ; Hewlett, 2002 ) . As a consequence, this stuff enhances the belongingss of building howitzer hence enabling the followers ;It enhances workability rate through increased placing features of concrete during buildin gIt minimizes the measure of H2O used in readying of howitzer at assorted ratios therefore advancing strength and lastingnessThe stuff is environmental friendly as it minimizes on the cement use every bit good as thermic strain ensuing from the procedure of hydration.In this trial, the adoptive superplasticizer is fly ash stuff ( polymer ) which has the belongingss necessary to heighten concrete strength and lastingness ( Spiratos, 2003 ) . Some of the two basic features that this superplasticizer ( fly ash ) stuff has are ;There are high H2O reducing agents in building howitzerThey have a self-compacting capableness in concrete1.5.2 Fly AshComposed of a non-combustible component of coal compounds, fly ash grains are characterized by glassy spherical ball bearing finer atoms compared to ordinary Portland cement atoms. The atoms are micro-sized mensurating between 0.1à µm-150 à µm. The stuff is a pozzolanic and reacts with free calcium hydroxide in the presence of H2O therefore bri ng forthing Ca silicate hydrate ( C-S-H ) . CSH is the critical constituent that enables bonding of atoms and heightening strength every bit good as guaranting lastingness of gluing in concrete. As a byproduct, wing ash can be obtained assorted beginnings particularly power coevals workss such as Maize Products ( A division of Sayaji Industries Ltd ) Power works. Figure 20: High Carbon Fly Ash ( HCFA )1.5.3 CementFor the controlled experiment in this survey, Ordinary Portland Cement ( OPC ) is utilised to enable and help proper comparing consequences. Through the comparing the survey will be able to avail proper grounds on the effects that fly ash has on the building howitzer or concrete as used in civil technology. The OPC used is categorized as of 53 class which conforms to Be: 8112-1989 criterion. A assortment of experimental trials were performed on cement to specify its pertinence in assorted Fieldss such as ecology, environment, economic system, engineering, etc. some of the trials include ; specific gravitation, consistence trials, puting clip trials, compressive strengths, etc.1.5.4 WaterBing a multi-usable constituent, H2O is a important ingredient of concrete readying in civil technology. Besides enabling possible and proper commixture of the concrete stuffs, it triggers and catalyses chemical reactions between stuffs. However, H2O is composed of chemical substances that may impact the concluding quality of howitzer or concrete used in a building. This is particularly when it reacts with other stuffs bring forthing other compounds that will negatively act upon the quality of howitzer in footings of strength and lastingness among others. In add-on to this the ratio used will besides find the result of the concluding concrete compound. Thus the ratio of H2O cement used is 0.25 and 0.25 for superplasticizer of howitzer. In respect, a mixture of class M25 and M40 conforming to IS 10262:2009 were designed and implemented in the experiment to fix the trial samples. After undergoing casting and H2O soaking up for 30 yearss bring arounding, the 50 millimeter * 50 millimeter cubed specimens were dried for a period of 36 hours at the temperatures of110à °C until the mass became changeless suggestion for the deliberation procedure. The resulted weight obtained was recorded as dry weight ( Wd ) for specimens. The samples were so placed in H2O at room temperatures for a clip frame of 36 hours after which the specimens were once more weighed and noted as submergence weight ( WI ) . Therefore the per centum of H2O soaking up is given by the formu
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Key to Successful Human Geography Essay Topics
The Key to Successful Human Geography Essay Topics There are lots of suggestions on geography essay writing to direct you through your paper. Therefore, you should double check them before you begin writing. That is the reason why the secret to writing fantastic geography papers is timely preparation. This isn't an instance of the work generated by our essay writing service. If you are one of the many students who don't understand how to develop an excellent paper topic, we are the ideal company for you. In the event the student doesn't have a suitable grasp of the demands of the essay topic, they can deliver a low-quality paper. Some students have difficulty writing papers because of the complexity, and the time it requires to complete it. All these cause and effect essay topics for college students are sure to get you to produce something. The New Fuss About Human Geography Essay Topics Mention certain names and location and be sure they are accurate. You have to remember that the topic needs to be precise and accurate. Therefore, you'll hardly find someone who hates this subject. When you have a look at a map of Canada, among the very first things you might see is the way in which the land is broken up towards the north. The AP Human Geography exam has 78 questions which you'll answer over the class of two hours and a quarter hour. Below is a list of possible topics in the field of Human Geography. Anthropology deals with how folks interact with different people and how our cultures do the job. The following is an overview of the benefits of using our expert services. If these sorts of questions were an issue for you because of the additional layer of analysis, consider shifting your focus onto doing practice questions instead of memorizing content. The questions cover seven principal topics. Identify the issue from the least important to the absolute most efficient importance. It's also better if it is a research question that you can earn a hypothesis for. A study in glaciology may look to examine polar ice sheets, for instance, dependent on the satellite data and current information supplied by geographic databases. Because most students won't have the ability to make it to Antarctica, this sort of research is good for providing empirical studies without palpable samples and in-person measurements. Explain the qualities of a creole language. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Human Geography Essay Topics Human geography is the study of the methods that humans have an effect on the landscape of the planet, and the way the landscape of the earth affects humans. You may have a geography research paper to chat about the agricultural life of men and women in Tunisia, or the sorts of animals which can be found in Tibet. There are different types of culture from other kinds of people or group of individuals. One of the greatest techniqu es humans impact the landscape is by building cities. What About Human Geography Essay Topics? The individual which have been satisfied at a greater level are more inclined to emphasis on previously satisfied lower level requirements. The culture of a certain society is dictated by men and women of the given place. Without efficient transportation solutions, global economy wouldn't have been possible, daily commuting would be tough, and cultural and societal interactions would be limited. To determine what is going to motivate any given worker, determine what needs that individual is hoping to satisfy at work. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. Furthermore, you don't will need to sign up when requesting for the very first time. High school students who complete the programme receive a chance to produce their college application seem m ore attractive for the committee, and obtain some distinctive interdisciplinary understanding. Finally, our customer support personnel are almost always readily available to react to your pressing concerns. Most Noticeable Human Geography Essay Topics Whilst human geography is interdisciplinary, there are a lot of journals that are devoted to human geography. There are lots of branches that geography could be broken into. Other subdisciplines related to social geography are occasionally viewed as separate. Historical geography studies a broad range of issues and topics. As an example, quantitative geography is still a vibrant region of geographical scholarship, especially through the development of GIScience. Even though it is treated as a sub-field of human geography, additionally, it focuses on particular facets of physical geography. Illustrative samples of a geography thesis are found in the site of Natural sciences Natural sciences are occasionally known as the hard sciences.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How to Write an Argumentative Essay if You Do not Have an Opinion
By its very nature writing an argumentative (or persuasive) essay means that you should express your point of view on the subject and, what is even more important, try to persuade your reader that your take on the problem is right. Generally you donââ¬â¢t have any problems with the exception of looking for relevant information and facts supporting your cause. But what if you donââ¬â¢t care about the topic at all? What if you donââ¬â¢t have any clear-cut opinion about the problem in question, either because you think that several points of view are somewhat correct, or because you have never actually thought about this issue, or because you donââ¬â¢t think there even is a problem, let alone several ways of looking at it? In this case writing an argumentative essayà may get somewhat harder, and there cannot be two opinions about it. Learn from Examples of Argumentative Essays Try reading an essay or two and think: do you really believe that all those who have written them before you had such strong and definite opinions about every single thing they had to write about? Is it even possible to be so passionate about all the rather boring topics we are usually assigned with by our tutors? Hardly. The answer to this is simple ââ¬â in order to write a good essay you shouldnââ¬â¢t necessarily support a cause, but you should behave as if you did. If, for example, you should write an essay on global warming, you may not care about it one way or another, but for the essayââ¬â¢s sake you should assume a point of view and put it as if you were really fervent about it. In addition to that, to a certain extent you are in an even better position than anybody who can boast of having a clear-cut opinion on the subject ââ¬â you may study it from all sides and choose the point of view that is easier to support by facts, statistics and other meaningful evidenc e. Writing an Argumentative Essay on Global Warming Generally, there are two points of view about it. According to one, the humanityââ¬â¢s activity leads to climate changes which happen faster and faster with every passing year, and if relevant measures are not taken, we are in for a catastrophe the likes of which have never been seen before. According to another, even if global warming really happens (and there a lot of scientists who believe that it will not), it is a natural process which doesnââ¬â¢t have anything to do with human activity. Both sides have plenty of evidence, both sides state that their opponents use untrustworthy sources, both have significant impact on the way the world lives. You may skim through hundreds of argumentative essay examples supporting both sides of the debate, free to choose whom to support yourself. So donââ¬â¢t wait anymore, study the question, choose the side you like better and write a perfect persuasive essay ââ¬â just as if you really believed in what you write.
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